At Home Micro-green Grow Kit

Congratulations! You are the proud owner of the Unkle Fungus “At Home Micro-green Grow Kit”! This grow kit is fun to use and will produce up to 3 harvests from a single kit by following these 10 easy steps.

Let’s get familiar with the contents of this Micro-green Grow Kit. This grow kit is split into 3 parts for maximum harvest potential. Inside the food safe container, you will find 3 packs of seeds in little zip lock bags. Each bag should have a different type of plant seed mix which can vary at random to make these kits a little more exciting. There is also a larger zip lock bag filled with just the right amount of “Substrate” (Coco coir) that will be used to grow your seeds into micro-greens. The amount of substrate you use per micro-green grow cycle is meant to be split into thirds. This is important in order to maximize the use of this kit. Coco coir is a very low nutrient dense substrate and is only meant to be used for moisture retention and rooting medium. There is no need to add any other type of nutrient or fertilizer to this kit. The micro-green seeds are naturally packed with just the right amount of nutrients the plants need to achieve the proper amount of growth up till harvest.

This kit can be grown on your windowsill with moderate/indirect natural sunlight or on your kitchen counter under a small LED grow light. Micro-greens are more nutrient dense than the full grown version of the plant by size and weight. This is a great way to add vital nutrients to your diet, especially during winter months when fresh greens may be scarce in your home garden.

“How do I use this grow kit? How do I grow the micro-greens?”

Step 1: “Substrate” Divide your coco coir substrate into 3 equal parts. Each growth cycle will use 1/3 of the substrate and will be discarded into your compost after each harvest. You will achieve 1 harvest per bag of seeds used in the manor.

Step 2: “Choose Your Seed Greens'“ Choose which type of seeds you would like to grow. There are 3 bags to choose from, and each bag will be a different plant that has just the right amount of seeds for each grow cycle.

Step 3: “Preparing The Substrate” Take 1/3 of your coco coir substrate and add it to the empty container. Lightly pack down the substrate with your hand or something flat to create a flat surface for your seeds to be applied to and grown on.

Step 4: “Hydrating Your Substrate” Fill a clean spray bottle with 4 fl. oz. of water. Spray the flat surface of the coco coir substrate with the water in the spray bottle until the substrate becomes saturated. The substrate may slightly rise and swell with water as you do this. This is normal. Keep in mind, it is important not to over water the substrate. There is no way to drain excess moisture with this grow kit. You do not want standing water in your substrate. Less than 4 oz of H20 should be applied for the initial substrate hydration.

Step 5: “Seeding” Choose which type of micro-green seed pack you want to grow. Open the small zip lock bag and evenly distribute the entire bag of seeds on the hydrated substrate surface. “VERY gently” push down on the seeds with your hand or something flat. The seeds should still be visible on the surface of your substrate and not under or inside the surface of the substrate. It is important to label your container with seed type and the date you started your micro-green grow kit.

Step 6: “Germination” Place the clear food safe plastic lid on the container and place the grow kit somewhere warm and away from sunlight/light for 2-3 days. After 2-3 days, check your kit through the visible lid and look for signs of germination. You should see white hairy root fibers growing from most of the swollen seeds. This is normal healthy seed germination growth. There may also be small plants sprouting from the germinated seeds. They will be searching for a light source at this time to start the process of photosynthesis. This process is how a plant converts light into food and energy within its cell walls. This is what turns plants green!

Step 7: “Exposure to light” Place your micro-green grow kit in your desired light space. I find that a south facing windowsill works well for this and will yield the best results.

Step 8: “Lid Removal” Check your micro-greens everyday and evaluate their growth. Once most of the canopy growth begins to touch the clear plastic lid, it is time to remove the lid from the kit. This should be anywhere between day 3-6 from “Step 7”. (“Exposure to Light”)

Step 9: “Watering Your Micro-greens” Continue to watch the canopy of your micro-greens stretch and fill out with small leaves. Days 6-10 from “Step 7” should yield noticeable foliage and you may start harvesting as you see fit. Also check moisture levels in your kits substrate. Most kits will need to be watered a second or third time during this growth period. 1-2 fl oz of water is plenty for the micro greens to stay healthy and robust. Drooping or drying out of the micro-greens will be a very noticeable sign the kit needs to be watered. A shot glass of water is usually the perfect amount of moisture. Pour the shot into the substrate without damaging or wetting your micro-greens. Also probing the coco coir substrate with your finger tip is a good way to check moisture levels.

Step 10: “HARVEST TIME!” Day 8-12; Harvesting your micro-green grow kit is EASY! You will need a pair of scissors for this. Gently lift up the entire canopy as a whole and remove it from the container. The roots of your mature micro-greens should make this possible by holding everything together. Place your canopy of micro-greens and substrate onto a flat surface and begin cutting the greens near the base of the stems just above the substrate surface. Collect your greens in a way that does not allow pieces of coco coir substrate too fall into or cover your harvest. Place greens in a container with a lid or plastic bag. Then place your harvest in your fridge for storage. Micro-greens stored in this manor should be good for up to at least 1 week.

Step 11: “Rinse and Repeat!” Wash your container with soap and water. Allow to dry before repeating the process!

Follow these 11 easy steps for best results! You’ll be able to add organic nutrient dense greens to your diet with this kit several times over. It is also a fun project that will feed you as a result! Thank you for choosing the Unkle Fungus “Micro-green At Home Grow Kit”, and GOOD LUCK!

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Also reference for more information, hints, tips, and for other unique products.

-Unkle Fungus

How to Start Your Grow kit.

In this “How To” video, I teach you how easy it is to start your “Micro-green At Home Grow Kit” Stay Tuned for Updates in the next video, coming soon…